Party Bus Winery Tours Are Better Experience When Taken with Groups

A winery tour is going to cost you heftily if you decide to take it up on your own. A couple or a family planning to visit a winery within the periphery of outside of their area is likely to spend more because of the obvious reasons that they are not in a group hence the expenses such as transport is not going to be shared. A tour consisting of 20 to 30 members is more likely because the cost of the journey will be divided among them drastically reducing the amount of their contribution to the pool. If you are wise enough to this then you will go for party bus winery tours that are organized by party bus operators who take small to big groups to pre determined wineries.


One of the reasons you should choose the party bus winery tours is that they are conducted by professional tour operators and they are well versed with the drill of taking guests to wineries and showing them the process of wine making and how the exotic grapes are grown. You don’t need to individually obtain permission as the tour operator takes care of it and as a group you have a better travel experience before you reach the wineries as you have fellow travelers from different wake of life but with a single and favorite topic to talk about “wine”.

The party bus winery tours could take in 20 to 30 members group which would also mean that you have to pay less than a hundred dollars per head which otherwise would have been far greater and not to mention the trouble of arranging the entire tour. It is the best experience you would vie for if you have the taste for wine and the interest in knowing how it is made. A wine tour is a tutorial plus outdoor enjoyment and not the one to be missed in a lifetime so call us on 1800-727-892 to find availability of seats for individual or groups and we Melbourne Party Busses are the best in the business of undertaking wine tours in Australia.

Trust Hens Night Bus Hire to Make Your Prenuptial Outing Outstanding

Hen night is an extraordinarily conceived outing for women who could spend their last days of bachelorhood in rollicking fashion with their friends and relatives. These nights have the reputation of being raunchy and considered absolutely private affairs so are entrusted to the most dependable sources for arranging them. These nights are usually organized in private accommodations, restaurants, banquet halls, and hotels and mounted on lavish scale so the participants do not feel the pinch at any point of the party night. The Hens night bus hire companies offer to arrange these outings and appropriately delegate party busses to carry the participants to the destined party venue. They also arrange the party venue with the final approval of the guests concerned and provide luxury busses that are designed for holding parties with music, strobe lights, dance floor etc.


If you are an would be bride hailing from Melbourne or the suburb the Hens Night Bus Hire is the service you would be looking for celebrating the night with the right background and ingredients. The bus hire companies own a fleet of party busses that are specially designed to hold parties within their interior and are adequately fitted with dance floor, music system and video screen so the girls can really jack it up before they reach the hen party venue. A party bus provided for hen party is a party venue for rehearsal before the main event in the decided destination and allow the participants to charge their batteries. The bus providers also provide with entertainment such as male dancers who would regale them during the journey with their bawdy act.

All these things are beyond the capacity and capability of the participants concerned hence it is ideal for them to choose a third party such as the Hens night bus hire who would arrange everything starting from the party bus, bar, refreshments, waiter service, male dancers and the security personnel to keep things under control to leave the women to enjoy the party with utmost freedom. Call Melbourne Party Buses at 1800 727 892 for organizing the Hens night for you and the line is available 24 x 7.

Travel in Style and Enjoy the Luxury of Cheap Party Bus Hire Melbourne

Hiring a party bus is essential task if you are planning for a night out, hens night, wedding reception, or a bachelor night. The party busses can also be used for sightseeing around the city and nearby tourist attractions and can be a useful tour guide if you are relatively new to Melbourne. Contrary to the belief that the party busses cost a heaven you will find them astonishingly cheap as the entire package is for a group and if you divide the cost among them you will see that you have not loosened your purse to that extent. Cheap party bus hire Melbourne offer memorable outings such as mentioned above and let you enjoy the tour to the hilt by offering out of the world facilities.

logoThe cheap party bus hire Melbourne allows you to enjoy luxury traveling while entertaining you with music and on special requests you can also hire Double Decker busses to increase the level of enjoyment and even have a bar where you can get your favorite beverage. You will find the busses equipped with a dance floor by special arrangements of seats and the strobe lights will transform the bus into a party zone where you can dance your heart out. The busses offer amenities that are five star and you only pay a fragment of what the package is costing group that enable you to enjoy the luxury. Traveling in party busses can importantly raise your esteem and you will find the host and their companions treat you with great respect.

Attending a wedding party or a wild night out will need you to be in the best of your mood and refreshed and the cheap party bus hire Melbourne offer both in plenty. Gather a group and travel in style if you are colleagues or invite your friends for a bachelor or hens party to enjoy it fully in a luxury party bus. For cheap party busses you can contact us on phone 1800 727 892, and we, Melbourne Party Busses will provide you with the best luxury coaches and busses along with a highly trained courteous staff to cater to your needs.

Travel in Style to Parties with Cheap Party Bus Hire Melbourne

A party bus is meant for making your travel enjoyable as it will provide music and beverages to keep you in good spirit. These busses are generally hired to attend parties in distant venues, bachelor parties, hens parties, winery tours and excursions by group of people belonging to various age groups and gender. The party bus carry every comfort a passenger looking forward to attend a wedding party, convention, planned tours, and celebrate other important occasions in clubs and hotels or private accommodations. Irrespective of your budget you can hire these busses from cheap party bus hire Melbourne when you need them for any of the above tours.

Party busses are different from ordinary busses as they are custom made to please the guests when they travel to important occasion and they are fitted with luxury seats, music systems, overhead disco lights, and refrigerator to stock beers and smoothes. These occasions fall into celebratory categories hence it is necessary that you hire them as cheap party bus hire Melbourne travel companies will provide you with them according to your budget and requirement. Party busses enhance the way you travel and you make grand entries when you arrive at the venue in party busses. Most people may think that these busses are costly to hire and settle for school busses that have just seats that may not be all that comfortable.

If the issue is the cost of hiring party busses then you will find cheap party bus hire Melbourne companies offering great packages that will suit your group as it will be as less as $99 per head which is affordable for special occasions and your group consisting of 20 to 30 can get a luxury party bus which will also offer you lunch as it is included in the cost. In Melbourne we offer the best party busses each suited for different occasions that include wedding parties, hens parties, bachelor parties, winery tours and other outings. Call Melbourne Party Busses on phone numbers 1300 764 680 or 0418995519 to book your trip and or you can send details of your requirement on email

Having a Hen Party Hire a Party Bus


Party bus are quickly developing in prevalence for a wide type of exceptional holidays and holidays, for example, birthday parties for children and grown-ups, stag and hen parties, and weddings. What’s more, to guarantee space is available for all, these committed or changed over party bus come in a wide type of sizes, from huge too little, and can possibly take ten or so travellers in the little bus to thirty or more travellers in the huge ability bus. Here are a portion of the prevalent holidays for going out on well-thoroughly considered party ride – Kids Parties – party bus are incredible for the little ones through all ages, particularly if the guardians are hoping to organize another and one of a kind to engage far from the normal party at home.

So may include slides, toys, ball pools, and even performers, for example, comedians and entertainers. A bus based party can also be less upsetting for mother and father, as the majority of the solutions, for example, the solicitations, diversion, party packs and snacks, and obviously the tidying up, is left totally to hire organization.

Birthday Parties – a subject based birthday party for the grown-up might well include a karaoke or disco. If wishing to take a stab at something exceptional and distinctive to the nearby club scene, then a particular party bus can come decked out with a best in class lighting and sound system to make a fun and cozy dance club on wheels.

Stag and Hen Parties – an incredible time can be had on a stag or hen night if you where to book a visit based party bus. Hen party bus hire for these unique evenings frequently travel a pre-decided course and stop off at an extensive variety of scenes en route, which are intended to be appropriate for all visitors locally available. also, sorted out holidays like this can make it less demanding to get inside scenes in extensive single sex parties furthermore, wipes out a need to line outside.

If wishing to utilize a party bus, it is for the most part employed for a set timeframe, frequently at every hour rates, and cost differs in light of a few distinct variables. A portion of the variables to decide the rental expense include the area and length of trek, the quantity of people locally available, the extent of bus, and what additional items may should be installed the vehicle, which can extend from the fundamentals, for example, sustenance what’s more, beverages to proficient performers.

Get Engaged and Do Romance with the Wines in Yarra Valley Winery Tours

You don’t need to be a wine authority to appreciate a decent glass of wine. It’s the same with winery visits; these can be attempted by any traveller who is occupied with wines furthermore needs to experience life in the wonderful and sentimental Yarra valley. The Australian Wine Tour Company has been sorting out winery visits for two or three years and is presumed to have the best visit bundles for visitors also, local people alike. So pick a bundle to investigate and find how the shining wines are made and packaged alongside a look at the nearby culture of the Yarra valley.

Visit aides are available with each party which will have roughly ten to twenty individuals contingent upon the group and pinnacle season. The day visit is intended to be both engaging and instructive with stops at four diverse wineries and a gourmet lunch at one of the wineries with a glass of the uncommon domain wine.

The four unique wineries that are incorporated into the bundle are Yering Station, Rochford Wines, Yering Farm and Domaine Chandon. At the Yering Station, a wine master will show all of you that you have to think about wines including the twirl, sniff and gulp schedule which will help you comprehend wines and the way it tastes better. Lunch will be at the Rochford Wines where you get the opportunity to make the wine determination after a tasting session in the basement. A delectable spread of gourmet cooking anticipates you at the eatery alongside the wine you have by and by decided for a brilliant ordeal.

After lunch, the following stop is the Yering Farm which is an acclaimed boutique winery in the winery tours Melbourne. This ranch is well known not only for its wines additionally the all encompassing and stunning perspective of the organic farmland. You additionally get a look at the customary strategies that are utilized in wine making alongside the antique copper devices that have been being used for a considerable length of time. The last stop is at the Domaine Chandon which is well known for its reality class shimmering wines. A specialist guided visit is offered as a feature of the winery visits to see how these celebrated air pockets are made and the visit closes with a tasting session and light platters.